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Immediate Financing Arrangement (IFA)

An Immediate Finance Arrangement (IFA) is a strategy whereby the client purchases a policy in which they deposit sufficient funds to accumulate major cash surrender value. They then use the policy as collateral for a line of credit at a bank. These borrowed funds can then be used to invest in your business or other types of investment.

The immediate financing arrangement offers tax advantages. Transactions are generally structured such that interest and a portion of the premium are deductible in income calculation. The loan need not be repaid until death. The dividend account will be credited for the death benefit (portion of the death benefit that exceeds the adjusted cost base of the policy), and the company will have access to the insured capital that exceeds the loan balance.

This strategy, a type of leverage financing, is not for everyone so working with a professional who can review and analyze you individual circumstances to determine if this is a viable solution is a very important step to take.

Individual Pension Plans (IPP)

Consider the plight of the typical Canadian business owner trying to accumulate financial security for retirement.

The challenges are daunting, including:

  • A shortened period to accumulate assets;
  • Increased investment volatility; and 
  • Expected lower investment returns.

Existing programs such as RRSPs are incapable of accumulating the gap in required assets in a relative short time frame. Fortunately, there is an attractive solution.  For business owners, incorporated professionals and executives, the Individual Pension Plan, IPP, represents a superior vehicle for accumulating retirement assets.

Insured Retirement Program (IRP)

Protecting the financial well being of your family can also help you achieve the retirement lifestyle you deserve.


Most people think of permanent life insurance as money paid when someone dies.  They know it's a great solution for paying a tax liability at death, providing an estate for loved ones or leaving a gift to a charity.

But what about planning for retirement?  Without careful planning, you may not have enough savings when you retire to maintain the standard of living that you'r enjoying now.


People typically thing of RRSPs and other registered plans when they think of retirement.  Many rely on the registered plans as their main source of retirement income.  The problem is that the amount you can contribute to these plans is limited.  This means the base amount might not be large enough to provide the retirement income you desire.

WITH AN Insured Retirement Program, YOUR permanent life insurance policy can provide you with the insurance protection you need PLUS a unique additional feature... access to tax-free cash during your retirement years.

Tax-Free Savings Account (TFSA)

The Tax-Free Savings Account (TFSA) allows Canadians, age 18 and over, to set money aside tax-free throughout their lifetime. Each calendar year, you can contribute up to the TFSA dollar limit for the year...

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Registered Retirement Savings Plan (RRSP)

An RRSP is a retirement savings plan that you establish, that we register, and to which you or your spouse or common-law partner contribute. Deductible RRSP contributions can be used to reduce your tax.

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Registered Retirement Income Fund (RRIF)

A RRIF is a fund you establish with a carrier and that is registered with the Canada Revenue Agency. You transfer property to the carrier from an RRSP, RPP, or from another RRIF, and the carrier makes payments to you.

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